How to get thumbnail of SoundCloud using API?

also, if you replace the "-large" in the url string with "-t300x300" or "-t500x500" you will have access to the larger formats.

I know this is quite old, but I stumbled in this question looking for something else and I'd like to give my two cents.

These are all possible sizes (source API Reference):

        * t500x500:     500×500
        * crop:         400×400
        * t300x300:     300×300
        * large:        100×100 (default)
        * t67x67:       67×67    (only on artworks)
        * badge:        47×47
        * small:        32×32
        * tiny:         20×20    (on artworks)
        * tiny:         18×18    (on avatars)
        * mini:         16×16
        * original:     (originally uploaded image)

