How to go about creating custom parser in Latex

Version 1:

My answer is using mostly TeX primitives. I know there are other ways to do it, especially using expl3, but I'm not there yet, so...

I defined the main macro \makelinesegment that will take one argument, in the example, 1:1-1:2-2:2.

\makelinesegment appends will pass its argument to \@coordpair, which takes as argument something in the form x:y-. \@coordpair will take the x and y coordinates and add them to \this@path as (x,y)--.

When \@coordpair reaches the end of the input (i.e. finds \empty:\empty-), it finishes and return to \makelinesegment.

Up to now we have (1,1)--(1,2)--(2,2)--. \makelinesegment then calls \gobblemm to remove the final -- from \this@path.

Finally, \makelinesegment calls \draw\this@path;.







Version 2:

As I said in the comments, this notation may (and will) cause ambiguity when using negative coordinates. So I propose a slight change: replace the - that separates the coordinate pairs by ,. Like this: 1:1,1:2,2:2.

The solution then becomes even simpler, for we can use LaTeX's \@for to iterate on a comma-separated list.

Now the \makelinesegment macro just passes its argument to \@for, who splits the coorinate pairs and passes them to \@pair. \@pair then appends the coordinate pair (x,y)-- to \this@list.

And the rest is like in the first version; \gobblemm removes the last -- and \makelinesegment calls \draw\this@path;.







This is an expl3 implementation.

\lineparser_make_line should be quite self-explaining, it splits the parameter at -, does a map to transform a:b to (a,b) and then calls \draw with the sequence joined with --s. The splitting of the coordinate get a bit ugly because : is a letter in \ExplSyntaxOn\ExplSyntaxOff blocks, so if : would be used as a argument delimiter directly it would have the wrong catcode.



% We need
% but the ":" is changed by\ExplSyntaxOn, so we have to use a trick to use the normal colon in the parameter
  \seq_set_split:Nnn\__lineparser_coordinates_seq{ - }{#1}
      { -- }




Similar to Phelype Oleiniks answer there are special functions to deal with comma lists, so if \makelinesegment{1:1,1:2,2:2} is to be parsed, you can for example use



% We need
% but the ":" is changed by\ExplSyntaxOn, so we have to use a trick to use the normal colon in the parameter
  \seq_set_from_clist:Nn\__lineparser_coordinates_seq{#1}% <-- The change
      { -- }




This is a bit longer and more verbose than the primitive TeX solution by Phelype Oleinik, but I think it is easier to understand.

There was no test file provided (again) so I borrowed one from one of the other answers. For such a simple transformation you don't really need any extra parsing code just define the expansion to happen inline:

enter image description here







