How to handle syntax errors in a macro?

Perhaps not the easiest or quickest way, but the \@ifnextchar way could be exploited to test whether there's a ( after the optional argument [] (it does not check for ) however.

Use \GenericInfo{...}{...} to write some information to the Log File






    \GenericInfo{\macro}{Parenthesis used}

  \foreach \ptx/\pty/\name in {#1}{%
    \expandafter\node\expandafter[\@temp@a] at (\ptx,\pty){\name};}%


  \macro[red,circle](2/3/a,4/4/b,5/0/c) % Error/Warning message to log


Some content from \jobname.log


File: epstopdf-sys.cfg 2010/07/13 v1.3 Configuration of (r)epstopdf

for TeX Live ))

Parenthesis used on input line 35.

If ( is used, it will be absorbed as #2.


    \PackageError{mynicepackage}{You donkey!}{I told you to use {}, not ()}%
  {\absorb@bad@arg}% try and recover somehow
  {\foreach \ptx/\pty/\name in {#2}{%
   \node[#1] at (\ptx,\pty){\name};}%




Here's the terminal output:

! Package mynicepackage Error: You donkey!.

See the mynicepackage package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.28   \macro[red,circle](
? h
I told you to use {}, not ()