How to identify invalid (corrupted) values stored in Oracle DATE columns
This identifies invalid months
SELECT rowid,
DUMP(date_column, 1010) AS dump1
FROM table
WHERE TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(DUMP(date_column, 1010), INSTR(DUMP( date_column, 1010),
',', 1, 2
) + 1,
INSTR(DUMP(date_column, 1010), ',', 1, 3) - (
INSTR(DUMP( date_column, 1010), ',', 1, 2) + 1
))) = 0;
Update using the same where clause, I found the month number was zero in these cases.
This is a pretty unusual scenario (although I have come across something similar once before). The more common problem is finding invalid dates which are held as strings in a date column. You could adapt the solution for that to your situation, by building your own date validator.
Something like this:
create or replace function is_a_date
( p_date in date )
return varchar2
d date;
d := to_date(to_char(p_date, 'SYYYYMMDDHH24MISS'), 'SYYYYMMDDHH24MISS') ;
if d != p_date then
return 'not a proper date';
return 'good date';
end if;
when others then
return 'not a date';
This converts a date into a string and back again. It catches exceptions thrown by date casting. If the end product is not the same as the input date then presumably something got lost in translation; to be honest I'm not sure whether the 12011 date would cast successfully to a string, so this is a belt'n'braces approach. It's a bit tricky writing this utility without some test data!
This query would identify all the non-valid dates:
select, dump(h.bid_close_date)
from mytable h
where h.bid_close_date is not null
and is_a_date(h.bid_close_date) != 'good date';
Without adding a function, a simple predicate
TO_CHAR(date_col,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') = '000000000000'
appears to be satisfactory to identify corrupted values stored in an Oracle DATE column. The addition of a function appears to be unnecessary. Checking for corrupted dates should be able to be done in a SQL SELECT statement, and not require a user to have CREATE FUNCTION privilege on the database.