How to implement background/asynchronous write-behind caching in PHP?

mysql_query('INSERT INTO tableName VALUES(...),(...),(...),(...)')

Above given query statement is better. But we have another solution to improve the performance of insert statement.
Follow the following steps..
1. You just create a csv(comma separated delimited file)or simple txt file and write all the data that you want to insert using file writing mechanism (like FileOutputStream class in Java).
2. use this command


3 if you are not clear about this command then follow the link

You should be able to do 200 inserts relatively quickly, but it will depend on lots of factors. If you are using a transactional engine and doing each one in its own transaction, don't - that creates way too much I/O.

If you are using a non-transactional engine, it's a bit trickier. Using a single multi-row insert is likely to be better as the flushing policy of MySQL means that it won't need to flush its changes after each row.

You really want to be able to reproduce this on your production-spec development box and analyse exactly why it's happening. It should not be difficult to stop.

Of course, another possibility is that your inserts are slow because of extreme sized tables or large numbers of indexes - in which case you should scale your database server appropriately. Inserting lots of rows into a table whose indexes don't fit into RAM (or doesn't have RAM correctly configured to be used for caching those indexes) generally gets pretty smelly.

BUT don't try to look for a way of complicating your application when there is a way of easily turning it instead, keeping the current algorithm.

One more solution that you could use (instead of tuning mysql :) ) is to use some JMS server and STOMP connection driver for PHP for write data to database server in a asynchronous manner. ActiveMQ have built-in support for STOMP protocol. And there is StompConnect project which is STOMP proxy for any JMS compilant server (OpenMQ, JBossMQ etc).



