How to implement breadth first search in Scala with FP
Building upon the answer given by Karl Bielefeldt, here's another solution (that doesn't involve any queue and just uses Streams).
def bfs[T](s: Stream[T], f: T => Stream[T]): Stream[T] = {
if (s.isEmpty) s
else s.head #:: bfs(s.tail append f(s.head), f)
This is untested, but i think works:
def bfs[S](init: S, f: S => Seq[S], finalS: S => Boolean): Option[S] = {
def bfshelper(q: Seq[S], f: S => Seq[S], finalS: S => Boolean): Option[S] = q match {
case Seq() => None
case h +: t if finalS(h) => Some(h)
case h +: t => bfshelper(t ++ f(h), f, finalS)
bfshelper(Seq(init), f, finalS)
the trick is to keep a Seq of what remains to be checked, and, if the current element isn't a match, call ourselves with the remains of what we had to check with the children of this node appended
One nice thing about functional programming is you can take advantage of laziness to separate the traversal of your data structure from the searching part. This makes for very reusable, single responsibility code:
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
def breadth_first_traverse[Node](node: Node, f: Node => Queue[Node]): Stream[Node] = {
def recurse(q: Queue[Node]): Stream[Node] = {
if (q.isEmpty) {
} else {
val (node, tail) = q.dequeue
node #:: recurse(tail ++ f(node))
node #:: recurse(Queue.empty ++ f(node))
Now you can do a BFS by breadth_first_traverse(root, f) find (_ == 16)
or use any other function in the Stream class to do useful ad hoc "queries" on a lazy breadth-first flattened Stream
of your tree.