How to implement "generators" like $RANDOM?

ksh93 has disciplines which are typically used for this kind of thing. With zsh, you could hijack the dynamic named directory feature:

Define for instance:

zsh_directory_name() {
  case $1 in
      case $2 in
        (incr) reply=($((++incr)))

And then you can use ~[incr] to get an incremented $incr each time:

$ echo ~[incr]
$ echo ~[incr] ~[incr]
2 3

Your approach fails because in head -1 /tmp/ints, head opens the fifo, reads a full buffer, prints one line, and then closes it. Once closed, the writing end sees a broken pipe.

Instead, you could either do:

$ fifo=~/.generators/incr
$ (umask  077 && mkdir -p $fifo:h && rm -f $fifo && mkfifo $fifo)
$ seq infinity > $fifo &
$ exec 3< $fifo
$ IFS= read -rneu3
$ IFS= read -rneu3

There, we leave the reading end open on fd 3, and read reads one byte at a time, not a full buffer to be sure to read exactly one line (up to the newline character).

Or you could do:

$ fifo=~/.generators/incr
$ (umask  077 && mkdir -p $fifo:h && rm -f $fifo && mkfifo $fifo)
$ while true; do echo $((++incr)) > $fifo; done &
$ cat $fifo
$ cat $fifo

That time, we instantiate a pipe for every value. That allows returning data containing any arbitrary number of lines.

However, in that case, as soon as cat opens the fifo, the echo and the loop is unblocked, so more echo could be run, by the time cat reads the content and closes the pipe (causing the next echo to instantiate a new pipe).

A work around could be to add some delay, like for instance by running an external echo as suggested by @jimmij or add some sleep, but that would still not be very robust, or you could recreate the named pipe after each echo:

  mkfifo $fifo &&
  echo $((++incr)) > $fifo &&
  rm -f $fifo
do : nothing
done &

That still leaves short windows where the pipe doesn't exist (between the unlink() done by rm and the mknod() done by mkfifo) causing cat to fail, and very short windows where the pipe has been instantiated but no process will ever write again to it (between the write() and the close() done by echo) causing cat to return nothing, and short windows where the named pipe still exists but nothing will ever open it for writing (between the close() done by echo and the unlink() done by rm) where cat will hang.

You could remove some of those windows by doing it like:

  umask  077
  mkdir -p $fifo:h && rm -f $fifo && mkfifo $fifo &&
    mkfifo $ &&
      mv $ $fifo &&
      echo $((++incr))
    } > $fifo
  do : nothing
) &

That way, the only problem is if you run several cat at the same time (they all open the fifo before our writing loop is ready to open it for writing) in which case they will share the echo output.

I would also advise against creating fixed name, world readable fifos (or any file for that matters) in world writable directories like /tmp unless it's a service to be exposed to all users on the system.

If you want to execute code whenever the value of a variable is read, you can't do that inside zsh itself. The RANDOM variable (like other similar special variables) is hard-coded in the zsh source code. You can however define similar special variables by writing a module in C. Many of the standard modules define special variables.

You can use a coprocess to make a generator.

coproc { i=0; while echo $i; do ((++i)); done }
for ((x=1; x<=3; x++)) { read -p n; echo $n; }

However this is pretty limited because you can only have one coprocess. Another way to progressively get output from a process is to redirect from a process substitution.

exec 3< <(i=0; while echo $i; do ((++i)); done)
for ((x=1; x<=3; x++)) { read n <&3; echo $n; }

Note that head -1 does not work here, because it reads a whole buffer, prints out what it likes, and exits. The data that's been read from the pipe remains read; this is an intrinsic property of pipes (you can't stuff data back in). The read builtin avoids this issue by reading one byte at a time, which allows it to stop as soon as it finds the first newline but is very slow (of course that doesn't matter if you're just reading a few hundred bytes).



