How to implement Singleton Pattern (syntax)
Both .NET 4.0 and F# have Lazy
, so I think you want
module MySingleton =
let private x = Lazy.Create(fun() -> 42)
let GetInstance() = x.Value
(where 42
might be a new WhateverType()
or whatever the expensive initialization is).
(Commentary: It's 2010, and getting rare to have to explicitly deal with synchronization primitives; languages and libraries are encapsulating all the common patterns.)
Sorry to reanimate an old question, just wanted to point out that some might try to expose Instance
in a public property, in which case the following piece of code might be useful:
// private constructor, just as any OO singleton
type public MyType private() =
inherit SomeParent()
static let mutable instance = lazy(new MyType())
// Get the instance of the type
static member Instance with get() = instance.Value
The question was how to implement the Singleton pattern, not how to implement the Lazy-Load pattern. A singleton can be implemented thread-safely in several ways, e.g.:
// Standard approach in F# 2.0: using an implicit constructor.
type Singleton private() =
static let instance = new Singleton()
static member Instance = instance
// Abbreviated approach in F# 3.0: using an implicit constructor with auto property.
type Singleton private() =
static member val Instance = Singleton()
// Alternative example: When you have to use an explicit ctor,
// and also want to check instanciation upon each access of the property.
/// This type is intended for private use within Singleton only.
type private SyncRoot = class end
type Singleton =
static val mutable private instance: Singleton
private new() = { }
static member Instance =
lock typeof<SyncRoot> (fun() ->
if box Singleton.instance = null then
Singleton.instance <- Singleton())
Added a simplified F# 2.0 example with private implicit ctor, and the example with explicit ctor now uses a separate private type as sync root. Thanks to kvb for the hints.
Edit 2 Added F# 3.0 auto property syntax.