How to insert a column in a julia DataFrame at specific position (without referring to existing column names)

Update: This function has changed. See @DiegoJavierZea ’s comment.

Well, congratulate you found a workaround your self, but there is a built-in function that is semantically more clear and possibly a little bit faster:

using DataFrames

df = DataFrame(
  colour = ["green","blue"],
  shape = ["circle", "triangle"],
  border = ["dotted", "line"]

insert!(df, 3, [1,2], :area)

Where 3 is the expected index for the new column after the insertion, [1,2] is its content, and :area is the name. You can find a more detailed document by typing ?insert! in REPL after loading the DataFrames package.

It is worth noting that the ! is a part of the function name. It's a Julia convention to indicate that the function will mutate its argument.