How to inspect Ember.js objects in the console?

There is also the App.__container__ object which, if you know what name your objects are registered to the ember app with, will allow you to grab any object you need while debugging from any environment.

A couple of examples are

App.__container__.lookup('store:main') # Gets the store
App.__container__.lookup('controller:blog') # Gets the blog controller

Ember provides several methods to help debug an object from console:

Object.toString prints identity of any ember object

App.Person = Em.Object.extend()
person = App.Person.create()
//=> "<App.Person:ember1024>"

Ember.inspect converts the object into a useful string description

var object = Ember.Object.create({
  firstName: 'Hansi',
  lastName: 'Hinterseer',
  age: 58
console.log( Ember.inspect(object) );
// {__ember1331067974108_meta: [object Object] , firstName: Hansi , lastName: Hinterseer , age: 58}

Ember.keys returns all of the keys defined on an object or hash


