How to install and use obfuscar?

I set this up to run on the Post Build event in Visual Studio.

  1. Add Obfuscar NuGet Package to your solution.
  2. Add obfuscar.xml file to your project and change Copy to Output Directory: Always. See the post on this thread by vinsa for an XML sample. I had to include the full path to my project in "InPath" variable. Then the obfucasted folder was under bin/[debug / release].

  3. In the Visual Studio post build events enter: "$(Obfuscar)" obfuscar.xml

  1. Download the Obfuscar.Console.exe you can download from Nuget, then unzip obfuscar.versionnumber.nupkg, and find the exe.
  2. Besides exe, create one input folder and one output folder. put BasicExemple.exe into input folder.
  3. Besides exe, create plain text file(config.xml for example), and the contents can be very simple:

    <?xml version='1.0'?>
      <Var name="InPath" value=".\input folder name" />
      <Var name="OutPath" value=".\output folder name" />
      <Module file="$(InPath)\BasicExemple.exe" />
  4. Run cmd, cd to exe's directory, then run Obfuscar.Console.exe config.xml

  5. The output folder will contain the processed binary.

I have just created an extended configuration file for Obfuscar and would like to share it.

Full list of available parameters here.

<?xml version='1.0'?>
  <Var name="InPath" value="." />
  <Var name="OutPath" value=".\Obfuscator_Output" />
  <Var name="KeepPublicApi" value="false" />
  <Var name="HidePrivateApi" value="true" />
  <Var name="RenameProperties" value="true" />
  <Var name="RenameEvents" value="true" />
  <Var name="RenameFields" value="true" />
  <Var name="UseUnicodeNames" value="true" />
  <Var name="HideStrings" value="true" />
  <Var name="OptimizeMethods" value="true" />
  <Var name="SuppressIldasm" value="true" />
  <Module file="$(InPath)\MyApplication.exe" />


