How to install requests module in python 3.4 version on windows?
If you hace problems with the python command only need add the route C:/python34 or the route went you have python installed:
- List item
- Right click on "My computer"
- Click "Properties"
- Click "Advanced system settings" in the side panel
- Click "Environment Variables"
- Click the "New" below system variables
- find the path variable and edit
- add this variable ;C:\Python34 with the semicolon
now you can run this comand
cd C:\Python34
python -m pip install requests
On Windows, I found navigating to my Python folder via CMD worked
cd C:\Python36\
and then running the commandline:
python -m pip install requests
On Windows 10, use this:
py -m install requests
python -m pip install requests
or py -m pip install requests