How to install Resynthesizer in gimp?

For GIMP <= 2.8 the "Resynthesizer" plugin together with other scripts and tools (including the brilliant tool "Heal Selection") can easily be installed with the package gimp-plugin-registry

From the shell:

sudo apt-get install gimp-plugin-registry

For Gimp >= 2.10 the plugin-registry and with it the resynthesizer and heal-selection plugins may not (yet) be available. Until we have access to these tools again we need to put the plugins

  • resynthesizer
  • resynthesizer_gui

to any of the defined plugin folders. I recommend ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins in our HOME.

We can get these either from compiling the source from the project's home page or from downloading an Ubuntu DEB file a release of the plugin-registry for GIMP 2.8 matching our architecture to extract above files. I tested these to still work on GIMP 2.10.6.

