How to kill a doMC worker when it's done?

The doMC package is basically a wrapper around the mclapply function, and mclapply forks workers that should exit before it returns. It doesn't use persistent workers like the snow package or the snow-derived functions in the parallel package, so it doesn't need a function like stopCluster to shutdown the workers.

Do you see the same problem when using mclapply directly? Does it work any better when you call registerDoMC with a smaller value for cores?

Are you using doMC from a IDE such as RStudio or on a Mac? If so, you might want try using R from a terminal to see if that makes a difference. There could be a problem calling fork in an IDE.

I never did find a suitable solution for doMC, so for a while I've been doing the following:

cl <- makePSOCKcluster(4) # number of cores to use

## computation


Works every time.