How to know if $\log_78 > \log_89$ without using a calculator?

$\log_7 8 = 1 + \log_7 (8 / 7) > 1 + \log_7 (9/8) > 1 + \log_8(9/8) = \log_8 9$

The derivative of $f(x)=\frac{\log(x+1)}{\log(x)}$ has the same sign as $\frac{\log x}{x+1}-\frac{\log(x+1)}{x}$ which is negative if $x>1$ since $x\mapsto x\log{x}$ is increasing.

Of course, this method does not apply for arbitrary 7,8,9. For example $\log_35$ and $\log_23$ are quite close and proving that one is bigger than the other is not so easy. The only elegant way I know is some kind of trick. (Enjoy this entertaining exercise! Spoiler below.)

Prove that $\log_35 < \frac32 < \log_23$.

Alternate solution:

$$\log_78 > \log_89 \Leftrightarrow \frac{1}{\log_87} > \log_89 \Leftrightarrow 1> \log_87 \log_89 $$

Now, by AM-GM

$$\log_87 \log_89 \leq (\frac{\log_87+ \log_89}{2})^2=(\frac{\log_863}{2})^2< (\frac{\log_864}{2})^2=1$$

In general If $ab < c^2$ and $\log_b c >0$ you have

$$\log_ca \log_cb \leq (\frac{\log_ca+ \log_cb}{2})^2< 1$$

and thus

$$\log_ca < \log_bc \,.$$