How to let pyspark display the whole query plan instead of ... if there are many fields?

I am afraid there is no easy way

It is hard coded to be no more than 100 chars

  override def simpleString: String = {
    val metadataEntries = {
      case (key, value) =>
        key + ": " + StringUtils.abbreviate(redact(value), 100)

In the end I have been using

def full_file_meta(f: FileSourceScanExec) = {
    val metadataEntries = f.metadata.toSeq.sorted.flatMap {
      case (key, value) if Set(
          "Location", "PartitionCount",
          "PartitionFilters", "PushedFilters"
      ).contains(key) =>
        Some(key + ": " + value.toString)
      case other => None

    val metadataStr = metadataEntries.mkString("[\n  ", ",\n  ", "\n]")


val ep = data.queryExecution.executedPlan

print(ep.flatMap {
    case f: FileSourceScanExec => full_file_meta(f)::Nil
    case other => Nil

It is a hack and better than nothing.

Spark 3.0 introduced explain('formatted') which layouts the information differently and no truncation is applied.