How to link different trees with TikZ
No idea what is broken, but is this workaround OK?
Essentially, use one forest
for both trees, with the root as a phantom
node. The s sep
determines the distance between the two trees.
I don't know if/how nodes are named in forest
, so I gave the e
and h
nodes an alias
that I used in the \draw
at the end.
[,phantom,s sep=3cm
[h,alias=h,tikz={\node [draw,dashed,fit=() (!1) (!l)] {};}
\draw [-stealth](e) to[bend right] (h.west);
You can use \subnode:
[\subnode{markh}{h},name=h,tikz={\node [draw,dashed,fit=() (!1) (!l)] {};}
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]