How to login into a Travis Enterprise using Travis CLI?
I have been struggling with this for several months and finally figured it out (accidentally). You can use the -X
option to log into enterprise accounts. This might have always been present, but I was not aware of it.
travis login -X --github-token ${my-github-enterprise-token}
Then enter the enterprise domain when prompted and use it as the default endpoint.
Given that your Travis is hosted at
, run
travis login -I -t your-travis-token -e --github-token=personal-access-token-from-githubenterprise &&
travis endpoint --set-default -e
...and then, to use your own Travis instead of the common one at every travis
travis endpoint --set-default -e
Remember that Travis will need that your GitHub Enterpise has the needed permissons. Right now, we're giving to that token these permissions:
- repo (all of them)
- admin:repo_hook
- user
For those still struggling with this, the following helped me:
travis login --pro -X --github-token ${github-token}
Make sure you set the github token for your personal account with access to the private repos as detailed here, and create the token with the following permissions:
For private projects:
- user:email (read-only)
- read:org (read-only)
- repo
for open source projects:
- user:email (read-only)
- read:org (read-only)
- repo_deployment
- repo:status
- write:repo_hook