How to maintain different log files for different purposes in Yii2

I eventually reverted back to using Yii2 logger by adding 2 additional file targets in my @app/config/main.php. The file targets had categories = ['orders'] and ['pushNotifications'] respectively so that in my code I use:

Yii::info($message, 'pushNotifications');


Yii::info($message, 'orders');

Here is my log config:

'log' => [
    'traceLevel' => YII_DEBUG ? 3 : 0,
    'targets' => [
            'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget',
            'levels' => ['error', 'warning'],
            'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget',
            'levels' => ['info'],
            'categories' => ['orders'],
            'logFile' => '@app/runtime/logs/Orders/requests.log',
            'maxFileSize' => 1024 * 2,
            'maxLogFiles' => 20,
            'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget',
            'levels' => ['info'],
            'categories' => ['pushNotifications'],
            'logFile' => '@app/runtime/logs/Orders/notification.log',
            'maxFileSize' => 1024 * 2,
            'maxLogFiles' => 50,

Since I wasn't quite sure how to configure Yii2 logger to do what I wanted, and googling the subject wasn't much help I decided to go with a third-party logger. The one I chose was Monolog. This functionality was only needed in one class so I create a static getLogger method which returned an instance of Monolog\Logger.

public static function getLogger($name) {
    $logger = new \Monolog\Logger($name);
    $logger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handlers\RotatingFileHandle(Yii::getAlias("@app/runtime/logs/$name.log")), \Monolog\Logger::INFO);
    return $logger;

Then in sendRequest method I use:


In the processResponse method I use:


I will be glad to hear(or read) from anyone who has a better solution still. Thanks. --Ab