how to make a data frame into a simple features data frame?
Your attempt and the accepted answers are unnecessarily complicated and terribly confusing. Just go with st_as_sf
(which by the way also easily migrates all objects from the outdated sp
class (SpatialPolygonsDataFrames and the like)):
df <- data.frame(place = "London",
lat = 51.5074, lon = 0.1278,
population = 8500000) # just to add some value that is plotable
projcrs <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"
df <- st_as_sf(x = df,
coords = c("lon", "lat"),
crs = projcrs)
And we are done, as easy as that.
Just to visualise it:
tm_shape(World[World$iso_a3 == "GBR", ]) + tm_polygons("pop_est") +
tm_shape(df) + tm_bubbles("population")
Or with the new amazing geom_sf
from ggplot2:
ggplot(World) + geom_sf() + geom_sf(data = df, shape = 4, col = "red", size = 5)
UPDATE The answer from @Franz Plumpton is the correct correct solution with a single epsg. My answer below is only necessary when each row of a data.frame has a different epsg. Otherwise, this would be a duplicate (as pointed out by @Henrik above).
df <- data_frame(place = c("London", "Kalamazoo"),
lat = c(51.5074, 396088), lon = c(0.1278, 5452158),
epsg = c(4326, 32610))
l <- lapply(unique(df$place), function(x){
df <- df[df$place == x,]
epsg <- df$epsg[1]
df <- st_as_sf(df, coords = c('lon', 'lat'), crs = epsg)
you could then transform all to the same epsg and combine into a single data.frame:, lapply(l, function(x) x <- st_transform(x, 4326)))