How to make a linear graph?
You could do something like this using a tabular
environment but, personally, I would write a macro for this using tikz so that the commands:
would produce:
Here is the full code:
% Usage: \LinearGraph{ comma separated list of 0's and 1s}
\begin{tikzpicture}[box/.style={rectangle,draw=gray, thick, minimum width=5mm}]
\foreach \num [count=\c] in {#1} {% loop over numbers
\ifnum\num=1% check number and shade 1's
\node[box,fill=green, label=below:\c] at (\c/2,0){$\num$};
\node[box,label=below:\c] at (\c/2,0){$\num$};
Here is a modification of the code above so that it meets the new question specifications. The command
\LinearGraph{B/2, C/6, H/4, A/3, J/1, F/3, E/2, D/4, G/0, I/10}
now produces:
Here is the new code:
\begin{tikzpicture}[box/.style={rectangle,draw=gray, thick, minimum width=5mm}]
\foreach \num/\lab [count=\c] in {#1} {
\node[box,label=below:\lab] at (\c/2,0){$\num$};
\LinearGraph{B/2, C/6, H/4, A/3, J/1, F/3, E/2, D/4, G/0, I/10}
A PSTricks solution. Compile with latex-dvips-ps2pdf
or xelatex
\foreach \i/\j in {1/0,2/0,3/1,4/0,5/1,6/0,7/0,8/0,9/0}{%
If you would like to keep the tabular format, you could use a TikZ matrix
matrix of nodes,
column sep=-1.2pt,
inner sep=0pt,
text width=1.5em,
text centered,
text height=2.6ex,
text depth=.8ex,
row 1/.style={nodes={font=\itshape,draw=gray, very thick}}
\matrix[mymatr] {
B & C & H & A & J & F & E & D & G & I\\
2 & 6 & 4 & 3 & 1 & 2 & 4 & 0 & 0 & 10\\