How to mock web service call with Moq?

You need to decouple the web service implementation from the consumer

public class ClassIWantToTest
      public ClassIWantToTest(IServiceIWantToCall service) {}

      public void SomeMethod()
           var results = service.DoSomething();
           //Rest of the logic here

Now you can use Moq to mock the IServiceIWantToCall in order to test the logic of SomeMethod

To add to pickles' answer, I created an interface for my current service calls named IService. I then created a ServiceMock class that inherits the interface and added a global variable named _service. In the constructor I instantiate the mock service and set up all the methods of the interface as such:

public class ServiceMock : IService
    Mock<IService> _serviceMock;

    public ServiceMock()
        _serviceMock = new Mock<IService>();

        _serviceMock.Setup(x => x.GetString()).Returns("Default String");

        SomeClass someClass = new SomeClass();
        someClass.Property1= "Default";
        someClass.Property2= Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

        _serviceMock.Setup(x => x.GetSomeClass()).Returns(someClass);

    public string GetString()
        return _serviceMock.Object.GetString();

    public License GetSomeClass()
        return _serviceMock.Object.GetSomeClass();

You then inject this class into your code instead of the actual web service. It will return the values you set it up to return. You can now test without depending on your web service.