How to overwrite a template via module in Magento2

Add layout folder of you module file [Vendor]/[ModuleName]/view/adminhtml/layout/catalog_product_options.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<layout xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/layout_generic.xsd">
    <referenceBlock name="admin.product.options">
            <argument name="template" xsd:type="string">[Vendor]/[ModuleName]::product_options.phtml</argument>

Also need add to module xml this line, to load you layouts after catalog

        <module name="Magento_Catalog"/>

  1. Create corresponding layout file in your module:


  1. Set your custom template configuration
<layout xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/layout_generic.xsd">
    <referenceBlock name="admin.product.options">
        <action method="setTemplate">
            <argument name="template" xsi:type="string">[Vendor]_[ModuleName]::product_options.phtml</argument>

NOTE: it is very important to use <action method="setTemplate"> instead of <arguments>. <arguments> will only work if the block does not have another template specified on the xml declaration. In any other case, you need <action method="setTemplate"> to override the existing template. It is better to use <action method="setTemplate"> because it always works.