How to pass parameters to a .NET core project with dockerfile

You can do this with a combination of ENTRYPOINT to set the command, and CMD to set default options.

Example, for an ASP.NET Core app:

ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "app.dll"]
CMD ["argument"]

If you run the container with no command, it will execute this command when the container starts:

dotnet app.dll argument

And the args array will have one entry, "argument". But you can pass a command o docker run to override the CMD definition:

docker run app arg1 arg2

I used environment variables which can be set by docker-compse.yml too

public static class EnvironmentHelper
    public const string EnvironmentArguments = "DOTNETCORE_ARGUMENTS";
    private static string[] _arguments;
    public static string[] Arguments
            bool argumentsExist = _arguments != null && _arguments.Any();
            if (!argumentsExist)
                IDictionary environmentVariables = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables();
                if (!environmentVariables.Contains(EnvironmentArguments))
                    throw new Exception("Environment Arguments do not exist");
                var argumentsHolder = environmentVariables[EnvironmentArguments] as string;
                const char argumentSeparator = ' ';
                _arguments = argumentsHolder?.Split(argumentSeparator);
            return _arguments;