How to prevent a method from being overridden in derived class?

If you are able to use the final specifier from C++11 you can prevent derived classes from override that method. (Microsoft compilers appear to support the similar sealed with similar semantics.)

Here's an example:

#include <iostream>

struct base {
    // To derived class' developers: Thou shalt not override this method
    virtual void work() final {
    virtual void pre_work() {};
    virtual void do_work() = 0;
    virtual void post_work() {};

struct derived : public base {
    // this should trigger an error:
    void work() {
        std::cout << "doing derived work\n";
    void do_work() {
        std::cout << "doing something really very important\n";

int main() {
    derived d;;
    base& b = d;;

Here's what I get when I try to compile it:

$ g++ -std=c++11 error: virtual function ‘virtual void derived::work()’ error: overriding final function ‘virtual void base::work()’

If you make the method non-virtual, derived classes cannot override the method. However, in C++03 a class cannot override a method from a base class, and also prevent further derived classes from overriding the same method. Once the method is virtual, it stays virtual.