How to prevent SQL Injection with JPA and Hibernate?

Query q = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("from LoginInfo where userName = :name");
q.setParameter("name", userName);
List<LoginInfo> loginList = q.list();

You have other options too, see this nice article from mkyong.

You need to use named parameters to avoid sql injection. Also (nothing to do with sql injection but with security in general) do not return the first result but use getSingleResult so if there are more than one results for some reason, the query will fail with NonUniqueResultException and login will not be succesful

 Query query= sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("from LoginInfo where userName=:userName  and password= :password");
 query.setParameter("username", userName);
 query.setParameter("password", password);
 LoginInfo loginList = (LoginInfo)query.getSingleResult();