How to print Boolean flag in NSLog?

%d, 0 is FALSE, 1 is TRUE.

BOOL b; 
NSLog(@"Bool value: %d",b);


NSLog(@"bool %s", b ? "true" : "false");

On the bases of data type %@ changes as follows

For Strings you use %@
For int  you use %i
For float and double you use %f

Here's how I do it:

BOOL flag = YES;
NSLog(flag ? @"Yes" : @"No");

?: is the ternary conditional operator of the form:

condition ? result_if_true : result_if_false

Substitute actual log strings accordingly where appropriate.

Booleans are nothing but integers only, they are just type casted values like...

typedef signed char     BOOL; 

#define YES (BOOL)1
#define NO (BOOL)0

BOOL value = YES; 
NSLog(@"Bool value: %d",value);

If output is 1,YES otherwise NO