How to properly name record creation(insertion) datetime field?

Why not just use plain on Created, or CreatedOn. Windows OS uses three date properties for files.


So you could try to keep that sort of convention if you prefer.

I tend to InsertedDateTime and InsertedBy (and Updated%, Affected% for indirect updates perhaps, Deleted% for logical deletes).

OperationDateTime for general auidt table

If I was storing a date only, it would be StartDate. Likewise, time only would be BookedTime

Another rule is to avoid "SQL" terms, so Added/Changed rather then Inserted/Updated. I inherited Inserted/Updated and it's consistent at least

Just be consistent: no mixing Created% with Inserted% with Added%

I always use CreatedDate in these circumstances, and it gives a template for other dates: UpdatedDate, DeletedDate, PurchasedDate and so on.