How to put brackets into $10^2÷10÷10÷10÷10 = 10$ to make it correct?
NOTE: This answer assumes cheating, like putting brackets in between digits isn't allowed.
There's a reason why you always get and even power of $10$ on the LHS. Note that by putting brackets on the LHS you actually decide whether you will divide or multiply the product up to that point with $10$. As you have $4$ $10$'s on the LHS you will have the same parity of $10$'s dividing and multiplying $10^2$, as $4$ is an even number. Eventually you will multiply $10^2$ with an even power of $10$. So no matter what, when you multiply/divide an even power with an even power you will get an even power. So eventually the LHS will be an even power of $10$ meaning this question is impossible to solve.
You can put a single bracket over the equals sign so that it looks a bit like this:
$$10^2÷10÷10÷10÷10 \neq 10$$
This assuming that, as it usually is, multiplication is implicitly assumed; $1(0)=1\times 0$.