How to put class="active" to first element in vuejs for loop

The easiest solution is to check every element if index is equal to 0 and then setting the active class (or the class you needed). Here is the code of class definition:

:class="{ 'active': index === 0 }"

Here is working example of making Bootstrap Tabs:

<ul class="nav nav-tabs tab-nav-right" role="tablist">
    <li role="presentation" :class="{ 'active': index === 0 }" v-for="(value, index) in some_array" v-bind:key="index">

Also, if you have multiple classes you can mix them like this:

:class="['tab-pane fade', (index === 0 ? 'active in' : 'something_else')]"

const TextComponent = {
  template: `
    <p>{{ text }}</p>
  props: ['text'],

new Vue({
  components: {
  template: `
        v-for="(item, index) in items"
        :class="{ 'active': index === 0 }"
  data: {
    items: [
      { text: 'Foo' },
      { text: 'Bar' },
      { text: 'Baz' },
.active {
  background-color: red;
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  <div id="app"></div>
  <script src=""></script>

Above is a snippet demonstrating a solution to your problem. Here's an outline of it:

Inside v-for blocks we have full access to parent scope properties. v-for also supports an optional second argument for the index of the current item.


The v-for directive has a second argument giving you the index of the item.

v-for="(item, index) in items"

Since you want the active class on the first item you can use an expression testing if the index is 0 and bind it to the class attribute.

:class="{ 'active': index === 0 }"