How to put text in minipage top-centered?
An image is always adjusted at the bottom. In your case the line has a depth of 0pt but a height of height of image.
To change this behavior you can use the command \raisebox
. For example
In this case the line will have height of 0pt. To align this with you right site you need a new raising by the height of \strutbox
In this case you will get:
Here the code:
\begin{mdframed}[roundcorner=10pt,leftmargin=1, rightmargin=1,
\item first line
\item second line
To make the usage more user friendly you can work with the package adjustbox
Usually, you can use the [t] option with minipage to get top alignment:
first block of text\\
(with multiple lines)
second block of text
Unfortunately that doesn't work here with because the text block will be aligned to the bottom of the image (from what I understand, that's the baseline of the image.)
You might take a look at Aligning image and text on top, with minipages, which seems to address the same question.