Apple - how to quickly reboot from OSX to Windows and back
Note: This does not work on systems with System Integrity Protection enabled
Write a shell script that does this
# tell OSX to change the boot disk
# nextonly just for the next time - without the default would be Windows
/usr/sbin/bless -mount /Volumes/BOOTCAMP --setBoot --nextonly
# reboot
/sbin/shutdown -r now
This can be called from a terminal window
sudo bootcamp
The use Automator to call this via an apple script and save as an application
on run {input, parameters}
do shell script "/Users/mark/bin/bootcamp" with administrator privileges
return input
end run
Another way to get from OS X to Windows quickly is to use Bootchamp, which adds a menu bar item like this:
For my Windows-booting needs Bootchamp has worked well.
(I learned about it from a similar question on Super User I once asked.)
Hold ⌥ while booting, you'll get a prompt to choose which OS / drive you want to boot from!