How to read quoted text containing escaped quotes
from package readr can handle escaped quotes, using the arguments escape_double
and escape_backslash
read_delim(file, delim=',', escape_double=FALSE, escape_backslash=TRUE, quote="'")
(Note older versions of readr do not support quoted newlines in CSV headers correctly:
One possibility is to use readLines()
to get everything read in as is, and then proceed by replacing the quote character by something else, eg :
tt <- readLines("F:/temp/test.txt")
tt <- gsub("([^\\]|^)'","\\1\"",tt) # replace ' by "
tt <- gsub("\\\\","\\",tt) # get rid of the double escape due to readLines
This allows you to read the vector tt in using a textConnection
zz <- textConnection(tt)
read.csv(zz,header=F,quote="\"") # give text input
Not the most beautiful solution, but it works (provided you don't have a " character somewhere in the file off course...)