How to redirect from root url to /swagger/ui/index?
If you for sure use a Web API project, you can:
- enable Http Attribute Routing,
- create the following method within an existing or new controller:
[Route(""), HttpGet]
[ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)]
public HttpResponseMessage RedirectToSwaggerUi()
var httpResponseMessage = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Found);
httpResponseMessage.Headers.Location = new Uri("/swagger/ui/index", UriKind.Relative);
return httpResponseMessage;
Note the use of ApiExplorerSettings
attribute, so that it doesn't show up in the Swagger definition.
Influenced by this answer to similar question, slightly modified code:
public class WebApiConfig
public static void Configure(IAppBuilder app)
var httpConfig = new HttpConfiguration();
// Attribute routing
// Redirect root to Swagger UI
name: "Swagger UI",
routeTemplate: "",
defaults: null,
constraints: null,
handler: new RedirectHandler(SwaggerDocsConfig.DefaultRootUrlResolver, "swagger/ui/index"));
// Configure OWIN with this WebApi HttpConfiguration
This way it is not necessary to create new WebAPI controller as so did @bsoulier in his answer.
This solution is based on already existing class RedirectHandler
in Swashbuckle.Core