How to remote execute ssh command a sudo command without password

you can tell sudo to skip password for some command.

e.g. in /etc/sudoers

archemar  ALL = (www-data) NOPASSWD: /bin/rm -rf /var/www/log/upload.*

this allow me to use

sudo -u www-data /bin/rm -rf /var/www/log/upload.*

as archemar without password.

Note that

sudo -u www-data rm -rf /var/www/log/upload.*

won't work (will ask a password) as rm differ from /bin/rm.

Be sure to edit /etc/sudoers using visudo command.

Once you've reach advanced level, you might whish to have your own sudo files in /etc/sudoers.d.

The most simple way is to provide password from stdin if your sudo supports that (-S key)

ssh -t admin@remotehost "echo <yourpassword> |sudo -S <yourcommand>"