How to remove sublists whose difference of two elements is either 1 or 11?
test[sublist_] := ContainsNone[Abs[Subtract @@@ Subsets[sublist,{2}]], {1,11}]
Select[Subsets[Range[12], {3}], test]
For your problem in the comments, the number of triangles in a regular polygon which do not share any sides with that polygon is $n (n - 4) (n - 5)/6$ provided $n\ge6$. It would be much more efficient to use this result directly than to list them and count them.
You may use SubsetCount
. This is an experimental function in version 12.1.1 so behaviour may change.
SubsetCount[#, {j_, k_} /; Or @@ Thread[j - k == {1, 11}]] == 0 &
]@Subsets[Range[12], {3}]
Hope this helps.
Not an answer,only a review.
the question is equivalence to $$1\leq a < b <c \leq 12,b-a\geq 2,c-b\geq 2$$ and when $a=1$, $c\not=12$ or when $c=12$,$a\not=1$
If we mapping $\{a,b,c\}$ to $\{a,b-1,c-2\}=\{i,j,k\}$
the question is equivalence to $$2\leq i < j <k \leq 9$$ or $$1=i,2\leq j<k\leq 9$$ or $$2\leq i<j\leq 9,k=10$$
so the number of subsets is ${8\choose 3}+2{8 \choose 2}=112$
Similarly the general result is ${n-4\choose 3}+2{n-4\choose 2}$ where the $n$ is the length of subsets $\{1,2,\cdots,n\}$ ( here $n=12$)