How to remove the default margin of inline li elements?

Try float: left; That will force your list items to be rendered without the extra whitespace.

li {
    display: inline-block;
    padding: 10px;
    border: 1px solid red;
    margin: 0;
    float: left;

Combining all lis in a single line solves the problem. But if you want to know more techniques to remove those margins you can visit :

It lists these techniques:

1. No Space Between Elements

<ul><li>Item content</li><li>Item content</li><li>Item content</li></ul>

2. font-size: 0 on Parent

.inline-block-list { /* ul or ol with this class */
font-size: 0;

.inline-block-list li {
font-size: 14px; /* put the font-size back */

3. HTML Comments

 <li>Item content</li><!--
 --><li>Item content</li><!--
 --><li>Item content</li>

4. Negative Margin

.inline-block-list li {
margin-left: -4px;

5. Dropping Closing Angle

 <li>Item content</li
 ><li>Item content</li
 ><li>Item content</li>


