How to remove underline from jQuery input mask plugin textboxes
To remove the mask, use the placeholder
option. Assigning an empty string to placeholder, removes the mask. You can assign the placeholder when creating the mask:
$('input').inputmask("mask name", {"placeholder": ""});
Or change it afterwards:
$('input').inputmask({"placeholder": ""});
You can also use data-placeholder="" and initialize just like that. Regards
P.D: I'm using Jasny :
You can specify the placeholder (by default _) like this:
$("#date").inputmask("d/m/y",{ "placeholder": "dd/mm/yyyy" });
The placeholder can also be a single character, in that case it is repeated for the whole length of your input.
$("#code").inputmask("aaaa",{ "placeholder": "*" });
So to remove it you specify an empty placeholder like:
$("#noplaceholder").inputmask("aaaa",{ "placeholder": "" });