How to resolve /var/www copy/write permission denied?

Do you have a file in /var/www called hello.php already that has permissions on it? Maybe the system can't replace the file?

Although, root access should supersede any user on the system.

Have you tried applying permissions to the www folder?

If you can do this, try the following:

sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www

then do:

sudo cp hello.php /var/www

I only recommend doing this if you know 100% that it is ok to set permissions on the whole www folder. By the sounds of it, you are running on your own production server as most live/shared hosting servers are setup so that the www folder is not in the /var folder (instead it is in the home folder of the user).

Be VERY careful when doing anything with the sudo prefix though, you can seriously damage your system if you do it wrong.

it'matter of *unix permissions, gain root acces, for example by typing

sudo su
[then type your password]

and try to do what you have to do