How to restart scheduled task on runtime with EnableScheduling annotation in spring?

  1. Create a singleton bean that gets an injected TaskScheduler. This will hold as state variables all ScheduledFutures, like private ScheduledFuture job1;
  2. On deployment, load from databases all schedule data and start the jobs, filling in all state variables like job1.
  3. On change of scheduling data, cancel the corresponding Future (e.g job1) and then start it again with the new scheduling data.

The key idea here is to get control on the Futures as they are created, so to save them in some state variables, so that when something in scheduling data changes, you can cancel them.

Here is the working code:


<task:annotation-driven />
<task:scheduler id="infScheduler" pool-size="10"/>

The singleton bean, that holds the Futures

public class SchedulerServiceImpl implements SchedulerService {

        private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchedulerServiceImpl.class);

        private TaskScheduler taskScheduler;

        private MyService myService;

        private ScheduledFuture job1;//for other jobs you can add new private state variables

        //Call this on deployment from the ScheduleDataRepository and everytime when schedule data changes.
        public synchronized void scheduleJob(int jobNr, long newRate) {//you are free to change/add new scheduling data, but suppose for now you only want to change the rate
                if (jobNr == 1) {//instead of if/else you could use a map with all job data
                        if (job1 != null) {//job was already scheduled, we have to cancel it
                        //reschedule the same method with a new rate
                        job1 = taskScheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(new ScheduledMethodRunnable(myService, "methodInMyServiceToReschedule"), newRate);