How to run Fsi.exe in 64 Bits? gives instructions on how to do it within Visual Studio 2012.

What this appears to do is run fsianycpu.exe from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\F#\3.0\Framework\v4.0 instead of fsi.exe. Running that from my powershell allows me to load my large data set.

With Visual Studio 2015 and later it is as simple as this

You can control the F# Interactive command line arguments (options) by adjusting the settings. On the Tools menu, select Options..., and then expand F# Tools. The two settings that you can change are the F# Interactive options and the 64-bit F# Interactive setting, which is relevant only if you are running F# Interactive on a 64-bit machine. This setting determines whether you want to run the dedicated 64-bit version of fsi.exe or fsianycpu.exe, which uses the machine architecture to determine whether to run as a 32-bit or 64-bit process.


it says

It is possible to make F# Interactive load as 64-bit by modifying fsi.exe using corflags.exe. There are details on this .NEt Framework SDK tool at

but I have not tried it. Hm, also

to consolidate links to possible info...

