How to search with JpaRepository and nested list of objects?
W can use ‘_’ (Underscore) character inside the method name to define where JPA should try to split.
In this case our method name will be
List<Person> findByQualification_name(String name);
First, change experienceInMonths
from String
to int
(otherwise you can not compare the string with the number). Then you can try to use this 'sausage':
List<Person> findByQualifications_experienceInMonthsGreaterThanAndQualifications_experienceInMonthsLessThanAndName(int experienceGreater, int experienceLess, String name);
Or you can try to use this pretty nice method:
@Query("select p from Person p left join p.qualifications q where q.experienceInMonths > ?1 and q.experienceInMonths < ?2 and = ?3")
List<Person> findByQualification(int experienceGreater, int experienceLess, String name);