How to see a SQLite database content with Visual Studio Code

For anyone that is still confused..

Follow the first 3 steps in Puya's answer, and at the very bottom of the Explorer panel there should be a tab called: > SQLITE EXPLORER (mine was minimised, even after clicking 'Open Database' - making it hard to notice)

In here, you should be able to see the contents of your database file. You can then right click a table and 'Show Table':

enter image description here

I published an extension to query and explore sqlite3 databases


  1. Just install the sqlite extension in your visual studio code: VSCode-SQLite
  2. Then you can right-click on the database file and click "Open Database". SQLite database in visual studio code
  3. Expand the database. expanded sqlite database in vscode
  4. Click the play button in front of each table to view table contents. SQLite table in visual studio code