How to select last row and also how to access PySpark dataframe by index?

How to get the last row.

If you have a column that you can use to order dataframe, for example "index", then one easy way to get the last record is using SQL: 1) order your table by descending order and 2) take 1st value from this order

query_latest_rec = """SELECT * FROM table_df ORDER BY index DESC limit 1"""
latest_rec = self.sqlContext.sql(query_latest_rec)

And how can I access the dataframe rows by row no. 12 or 200 .

Similar way you can get record in any line

row_number = 12
query_latest_rec = """SELECT * FROM (select * from table_df ORDER BY index ASC limit {0}) ord_lim ORDER BY index DESC limit 1"""
latest_rec = self.sqlContext.sql(query_latest_rec.format(row_number))

If you do not have "index" column you can create it using

from pyspark.sql.functions import monotonically_increasing_id

df = df.withColumn("index", monotonically_increasing_id())

How to get the last row.

Long and ugly way which assumes that all columns are oderable:

from pyspark.sql.functions import (
    col, max as max_, struct, monotonically_increasing_id

last_row = (df
    .withColumn("_id", monotonically_increasing_id())
    .select(max(struct("_id", *df.columns))

If not all columns can be order you can try:

with_id = df.withColumn("_id", monotonically_increasing_id())
i ="_id")).first()[0]

with_id.where(col("_id") == i).drop("_id")

Note. There is last function in pyspark.sql.functions/ `o.a.s.sql.functions but considering description of the corresponding expressions it is not a good choice here.

how can I access the dataframe rows by

You cannot. Spark DataFrame and accessible by index. You can add indices using zipWithIndex and filter later. Just keep in mind this O(N) operation.