How to select points within polygon in PostGIS using jOOQ?
jOOQ currently (version 3.8) doesn't have out-of-the-box support for PostGIS, but you can easily add your own.
If you're running only few GIS queries
... then, using plain SQL will certainly do the trick. Here's one example, how to do that:, SENSOR_LOCATION.LOCATION_TIME)
.where("ST_WITHIN({0}, ST_Polygon(ST_GeomFromText('...'), 0))",
Note how you can still use some type safety by using the plain SQL templating mechanism as shown above
If you're running lots of GIS queries
In this case, you probably want to build your own API that encapsulates all the plain SQL usage. Here's an idea how to get started with that:
public static Condition stWithin(Field<?> left, Field<?> right) {
return DSL.condition("ST_WITHIN({0}, {1})", left, right);
public static Field<?> stPolygon(Field<?> geom, int value) {
return DSL.field("ST_Polygon({0}, {1})", Object.class, geom, DSL.val(value));
If you also want to support binding GIS data types to the JDBC driver, then indeed, custom data type bindings will be the way to go:
You will then use your custom data types rather than the above Object.class
, and you can then use Field<YourType>
rather than Field<?>
for additional type safety.