How to set default value for SwitchPreference in Android?

As I told, I write preferences programmatically:

PreferenceScreen root = getPreferenceManager().createPreferenceScreen(this);
PreferenceCategory catView = new PreferenceCategory(this);

final SwitchPreference switchSplash= new SwitchPreference(this);

//-----the above code----
switchSplash.setChecked(false);       // LINE 1
catView.addPreference(switchSplash);  // LINE 2

While debugging I found that true value is set in LINE 1, but when I add switchSplash into catView, the values of switchSplash is reset to false, because catView sets values from preferences.xml.
That's why I changed all needed values into the XML

SharedPreferences.Editor editor = root.getPreferenceManager().getSharedPreferences().edit();
editor.putBoolean(PreferenceKeys.SPLASH, true);  