How to set dynamic id in *ngFor?
This also will work:
<div class = "CirclePoint" *ngFor="let c of circles">
<div [id]=""></div>
If you want to add a prefix, say "loc";
<div class = "CirclePoint" *ngFor="let c of circles">
<div [id]="'loc' +"></div>
Using [] helps to add values dynamically.
Try this:
<div class = "CirclePoint" *ngFor="let c of circles">
<div id="location_{{}}">write something which you want like c.x </div>
Hopefully this will work for you. I searched StackOverflow and I found this answer.
<div class = "CirclePoint" *ngFor="let c of circles"
[]="'Location' +">
<div class = "CirclePoint" *ngFor="let c of circles""Location{{}}">