how to set the use --enable-preview compile and run flags from gradle?
adding this to the build.gradle
compileJava {
options.warnings = false
options.deprecation = false
options.compilerArgs += ["-Xdoclint:none", "-Xlint:none", "-nowarn"]
options.compilerArgs += ["-Xlint"]
options.compilerArgs += ["--enable-preview"]
options.compilerArgs += ["-source 14"]
// options.compilerArgs << "-Xlint:unchecked" << "-Xlint:deprecation"
also, the run option is required:
tasks.withType(JavaExec) { jvmArgs += '--enable-preview' }
might fix, or is at least on the right track I think.
To make this work you can modify the compileJava
task and add this flag. Add this to your build.gradle
compileJava {
options.compilerArgs += ['--enable-preview']
This will make sure that your code will compile.
If you have other tasks which require compilation (for example compileTestJava
) you can enable this flag for all tasks which have type JavaCompile
tasks.withType(JavaCompile).all {
options.compilerArgs += ['--enable-preview']
To enable this flag for test tasks you can do the following :
tasks.withType(Test).all {
jvmArgs += '--enable-preview'
You also have to make sure to add this flag for the JVM that will run your code :
tasks.withType(JavaExec) {
jvmArgs += '--enable-preview'
This is described in the corresponding JEP :
Developers who wish to use preview language features in their programs must explicitly enable them in the compiler and the runtime system