How to setup a webpack dev server using both historyApiFallback and proxying remote api requests?

In Express middleware stack order matters.

Proxy should be set up at webpack config first than historyApiFallback, this is how it should look like:

    contentBase: 'src/www',  //Relative directory for base of server
    devtool: 'eval',
    hot: true,        //Live-reload
    inline: true,
    port: 3000,        //Port Number
    host: 'localhost', //Change to '' for external facing server
    proxy: {
      '^\/users|sitters|bookings': {
        target: '',
        rewrite: function(req) {
          req.url = req.url.replace(/^\/api/, '');
    historyApiFallback: true

So of course proxy can be changed to any pattern or regex as an application needs it. In my case that's what I needed.

I end up with following solution:

const REMOTE_URL = process.env.REMOTE_URL || 'http://localhost:8090/';

const config = {
    output: {
        publicPath: '/'
    devServer: {
        historyApiFallback: true,
        contentBase: './app',
        proxy: [{
            context: '/api',
            target: REMOTE_URL,
            pathRewrite: {
                '^/api' : '/'

So all request to http://locahost:port/api/ goes through proxy, and /api rewrited.

For example http.get('/api/users') go to just /users.

Btw. Object inside proxy is just http-proxy-middleware configuration.