How to show a time-dependent vector (velocity) with Manipulate?
You can do it thus:
Graphics3D[Arrow[{pos, pos + vel} /. t -> α]]], {α, 0,
10 Pi}]
By defining your kinematics equations as top-level expressions (rather than as functions of the relevant quantities), you invite scoping problems. I recommend working with functions and making the Manipulate
expression self-contained. Implementing that will simplify your work as well saving you worry about variable scoping issues. Here is how I would do it.
With[{ρ = 1, ω = 1/2, a = 1/5},
{Thick, Arrow[{posicion[t], posicion[t] + velocidad[t]}]}],
ParametricPlot3D[posicion[u], {u, 0, 10 Pi}, PlotStyle -> Red],
Boxed -> False],
{t, 0, 10 Pi},
Initialization :> (
posicion[t_] := {ρ Cos[ω t], ρ Sin[ω t], a t};
velocidad[t_] = D[posicion[t], t])]]
Short and simple, no?